Harvest Kids
10am Birth - 6th grade
Harvest Kids ministry exists to awaken the hearts of children to a personal relationship with Father God. We believe that it’s only in genuinely experiencing the Father and His extravagant love through relationship, that their walk will be sustained and their lives truly transformed. We believe that as they encounter God in this way, they will naturally begin to transform their spheres of influence and fulfill their destinies to be heaven’s ambassadors. Because of this, we intentionally create a space through worship, prayer, teaching, and miracles that invites them to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps.34:8).
Contact Leslie Lambkin: Lester112@hotmail.com
Harvest Youth
Harvest youth meet Tuesday nights at 6:30pm with an aim to encounter the Father heart of God in such a way that identity and a sense of purpose are established in our students. Our God-centered events are always fun and often include interactive worship, biblical equipping, and deep relational connections, both with volunteers and other students. Come connect with us and find a place of belonging. Contact Rebekkah Smale for more details.
Are you struggling with areas of sin in your life that you can’t seem to overcome? Do you find yourself frustrated by your inability to hear from God on your own? Do you live in fear in areas of your life that you cannot seem to break free from? Is your marriage just limping along or in crisis? Do you struggle with depression, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed with life?
At present, there are two primary pathways for your restoration, the Freedom Group and sozo ministry. The Freedom Group is a home gathering with deep connection and inner healing in mind. Click the link for more information or to sign up. Sozo ministries provide a space for you to meet with Holy Spirit in a way that leads you out of captivity in various areas of your life. Fore more information, or to schedule an appointment, click the link below.
Destiny Groups are designed to help set a course for your future through a more intimate gathering in someone's home, focused on helping each person discover their unique destiny and calling. Groups meet for 9 months throughout the year and go deep together in friendship, discovery, and intentional discipleship. While the groups go for 9 months, you can join an existing group at any time. Click "Destiny Group" above to go to informational page.
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Other Happenings
Thanksgiving Outreach:
We deliver free cooked meals to the disabled, elderly, and needy of Warrensburg on Thanksgiving Day. For more information, please contact Rosie through the church at 660*747*8164.
Christmas Outreach
Rosie and other volunteers prepare a nice dinner (all are welcome). We also deliver gifts and food to families in need during this time. In addition to these things, we honor the Police, Sheriff's department, and central dispatch by bringing them gift baskets while they continue to work and serve our community.
Community Opportunities
Warrensburg Manor Care Center
Leading a Sunday service
Contact Name: Micah Trower
Email: mtrower@juckettemanagement.com
Standing in the Gap
Saturday food delivery
Warehouse: 97 SE 341st Rd, Warrensburg
Pull up to the front doors and someone will load you and give you additional instruction.
More info at www.4theleastofthese.com
Prayer Room
The sanctuary is open from 8am to 12pm every Tuesday. Come as you can and spend time seeking God's face. We have worship playing in the background and have created an atmosphere where you can intentionally connect with Jesus.
Pre-service Prayer
Join us at 9:10am every Sunday morning for a time of sensing God's heart and setting the atmosphere for Sunday.
Post Service Prayer
Every Sunday trained prayer ministry partners are stationed near the stage and are available for all of your prayer needs.
First Mondays
Pray with us for this ministry from 6-7pm every first Monday of the month.
Prayer Chain
Join our member's only FB group!
New Beginnings Women's Center
Journey Home
Adopt a bed $300/mo
Donate items to the shop
House monitor 5pm - 8am